Covid-19 Safety Protocols

Covid-19 Safety Protocols - Featured Image

2022 NIP Bookcamps & Writing Retreats

All-Genre, June 12-18

Speculative Fiction, July 31-August 6

We assure everyone associated with our 2022 NIP Bookcamps & Writing Retreats your health, safety, and comfort remain our highest priority. As long as the Covid-19 Pandemic remains with us, these are the safety precautions we will follow during our 2022 NIP events.

While the NIP Bookcamp & Writing Retreat will do its best to provide a safe environment for everyone, please note attending any event may expose you to Covid-19. By attending, each person understands and accepts that risk as solely their own.

Safety Policies

These policies will remain in effect unless Federal or State of Wisconsin regulations require or allow modifications.

1. Mandated Protocols. We will follow all federal, state, and local Covid-19 safety protocols, including recommendations made by the CDC. The NIP Bookcamp & Writing Retreat is working closely with Cedar Valley UCCI and will adopt their safety requirements to assure everyone attending a NIP event can be protected as much as possible. The NIP Bookcamp & Writing Retreat reserves the right to modify its Covid-19 safety protocols as needed and without prior notice.

2. Vaccinations Required. The NIP Bookcamp & Writing Retreat expects all who attend and staff our week-long events to be fully vaccinated. Attendees should email Director Dave Rank ( proof of vaccination status no less than two weeks prior to the NIP event enrolled.

3. Vaccination Exceptions. Applicants not vaccinated based on health issues will be considered for enrollment on an individual basis. If accepted, we will ask them to be especially vigilant in following mask and social distancing requirements. We may require a negative test result for infection prior to arriving for the NIP week.

4. If You Are Sick. Please do not attend the NIP if you feel ill within seven days prior to the start of your NIP program. Notify Director Dave Rank you cannot attend. See Policy 9 for refund details.

5. Illness During NIP. If during the NIP you become ill, you should arrange to go home and your registration fee will be refunded on a prorated basis following the options as listed in Policy 9.

6. Social Distancing. During each NIP, we will follow social distancing policies, unless restrictions can be lessened:

a. There will be a no-touch policy. Refrain from shaking hands, hugging, and casual touches.

b. Wearing a face mask is recommended for all in the public areas. The NIP reserves the right to require wearing a mask if necessary. We ask everyone to bring a personal face mask. Disposable face masks will be available, as well.

c. During meals, there will not be a self-serve buffet line. Instead, Cedar Valley UCCI staff will serve food to guests. Some dishes may be pre-plated or served directly at tables. This plan may change based on recommendations at the time by the Ozaukee-Washington Counties Public Health Department.

d. Social distancing will be followed at all group activities, spreading out seating in classrooms, the dining room—no more than four per table—and elsewhere in the main building of Cedar Valley UCCI. Furniture in the lobby has been positioned to maintain social distancing. Please do not move any furniture.

e. Disposable gloves will be available if requested.

7. Hand Sanitizer. We will provide hand sanitizer during the NIP. Cedar Valley UCCI will provide sanitation stations in all lobby areas and the dining room. Of course, everyone is invited to bring their own sanitizer just in case.

8. Cleanliness. The Cedar Valley staff will clean all public areas on a regular basis, wiping off handrails, elevator controls, doorknobs, and other objects people touch the most. The NIP will provide disposable cleaning wipes and ask everyone to use them to wipe down their portable items. Please do your part to help keep the facilities clean.

9. Cancellation Policy. If necessary, based on changes in Wisconsin or federal restrictions, one or both NIPs may be canceled to assure the safety of staff and registered writers. If that occurs, we will offer our 2022 registered writers two options:

a. Automatic enrollment into either of our 2023 scheduled residential programs, applying all or a portion of the 2022 registration fee to help pay for 2022 enrollment.

b. A full refund.

10. PNM Book Collection. The NIP’s Philip N. Martin Memorial Book Collection is located in the Cedar Valley Library on the lower level of the Main Building. A collection of reference books on writing, genres, publishing, and editing, it is available to writers enrolled in the NIP, staff, and alumni. Books should remain with the Collection. If you need to borrow a Collection book, notify Director Dave Rank or Assistant Director Lisa Lickel you are borrowing it. The book must be returned to either the Director or Assistant Director before the end of the NIP. Collection books are not for sale nor can they be removed from the Cedar Valley grounds.

NOTE: Cedar Valley UCCI offers spacious indoor and outdoor facilities. We encourage everyone to use this space to spread out as much as possible during the NIP.

For questions, further clarification, or suggestions, contact NIP Director Dave Rank,, or 262-717-5154.

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