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Success Story: Meet Steve Strackbein

Meet Steven Strackbein, Bookcamp Alum 2022

What guided your decision to attend Novel-In-Progress Bookcamp?

I heard about the Novel-In-Progress Bookcamp from members of my critique group who’d attended. I felt like I was in the right place in my writing to see if I could make the jump from writing as a hobby to something more viable. I also wanted to meet others beyond my small circle who shared my passion, to see if they struggled with the same aspects of writing or if I was even “doing it right.” It also helped that it took place in Wisconsin practically right in my backyard.

Did anything about your writing change after attending?

Bookcamp certainly stoked the fire in me for writing and gave me the encouragement to keep going. The classes and coaches helped change the way I thought about story and used my own work in their examples. We looked at the big picture of the manuscript to enhance the already developed ideas, character rationale, and the ebb and flow of plot. Coordinating complementary story arcs and making sure the yet-to-be-written ending fulfilled the beginning’s promises.

What were the main take-away values you took from camp?

Every writer struggles with different aspects of writing and a little encouragement goes a long way. It helps tremendously to have an open mind to criticism and critique while holding on to an understanding that it’s still the author’s work. It makes those criticisms easier to swallow. Writing is also a process, and practicing the art will lead to better writing.

How did your publications come about?

One of my bucket list items was to publish a book. I had periods in my life where I’d write for various reasons but was never serious about it. Writing would get pushed behind school, career, or service, sometimes merely a good night’s sleep. When I sat down to write my first manuscript I sat with intent to just write a story I’d want to read. As 80K words approached and THE END was in sight, it seemed a lot less daunting than when I’d started. Granted it was a first draft and didn’t survive beta reads, but a few manuscripts later I had some stories I really enjoyed reading. I brought Mourning of Lost Magics to the NIP Bookcamp hoping to find a suitable ending and now it’s in print.

Talk about your book and publishing experience.

I felt I was more patient with Mourning of Lost Magics than I’d been with my debut novel. The Change Paradox. I knew I had a good manuscript but I still was diligent in sending it out to beta readers tweaking what needed tweaking getting the manuscript to the best I could get it. I sent out query letters and talked to agents without much luck. Finally, I looked into self-publishing. I found I had a knack for cover design and even created my own imprint, Sisyphus Triumphant Publishing.

Would you recommend Bookcamp to other writers?

Without a doubt. Anyone with a passion for writing can grow from the experience. Mixing with other writers, learning more about the art, and even sitting down to talk to one of the mentors (I’d recommend Lisa Lickel, in a heartbeat) to hammer out those problem areas of a manuscript. I’d met so many other writers with a similar drive and it helped me to become a better writer and encouraged a passion to keep honing my craft.

About the Book:

Who are we if not for our memories?

Left for dead in a mysterious cave, Guilder Rayne awakens into a world of magic and monsters he has little knowledge of. With the help of some…complicated friends, Guilder begins to discover his own prowess for magic while uncovering the troublesome past of the alleged Butcher Prince.

As his journeys take him into the dark recesses of his world, Guilder must hone his newfound abilities before an ancient power becomes bent on destroying magic itself.

One reluctant sorcerer would sacrifice all to restore what once was. The other, willing to sacrifice himself to save what has become. Can Guilder and his friends stop this ancient power before it erases all magic as well as their very existence?

Buy the book:


Barnes and Noble

Also available at Apple Books, Kobo, Smashwords Store, Tolino, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Scribd, Baker & Taylor, Hoopla, Vivlio, BorrowBox, and Odilo.

About Steve:

Born and raised in rural Wisconsin, Steven started writing science fiction and fantasy while in the military. With a background in Psychology and Mental Health, his life’s work has been the study of the mind, behavior, and those particular occasions when differing minds and alternative behaviors do not coalesce. Steven’s writing attempts to capture the truly remarkable way humans interact and represent that humanness played out in the extraordinary.

Steven is a member of the Wisconsin Writers Association, has attended their sponsored Novel-In-Progress Bookcamp and Writing Retreat, and has been a part of a local writing group for several years. He is married to his best friend and sole inspiration Tanya, the love of his life, a kind but demanding critic, and the only person he writes for intending to impress. She is also his biggest support. With a love of cooking and travel, they live in a semi-rural town with their dogs Amber, a young-at-heart rescue, and Jax a playful ball of puppy-like energy.

Visit the author’s website at Author’s store coming soon.


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